What I do

As a witch, I can offer you many ways to help you and have several solutions to any problem. Be that through spells, tarot, astrology or just some spiritual guidance from me.

All my work is customised depending on your situation. You tell me what is happening and what you need help with and I offer you the options that would be suitable for your particular situation. When it comes to spells, witches need to be careful with what spellwork to do for a person as there are 1000s of different spells and it is a Witch’s responsibility to choose the right one for a person she is working with.

So after we discussed your situation and we agreed on what to do and prices, we start working on what you need at the moment. Ofcourse if you need something simple like spiritual cleansing or protection, it will be quick to decide and I start working on the closest available day.

What you can book with me

Astrology reports: