Welcome to the world of witchcraft! I am Yulia Romanova, creator of Witchy Portal as you may know from social media platforms. I am slavic witch based in London, UK. My spells are from all paths of witchcraft, because I am not tied down to a particular path, so the only way for me is witchy way.

I love to learn and practice everything so I can share my knowledge with people who are seeking the magic within themselves and are not afraid to follow their true path. 


Yes, I do perform any types of spells for people and do tarot readings too, this is my main focus. But I also guide them in their journey of uncovering the Universe mysteries and their own power.

My clients stay with me for years, because I value their trust and always take care of them and give advice in terms of spirituality. They often come to me for a personal advice about their life too and I am happy to give it. Witches have been always known for their wisdom and see the world differently…in details that very few of regular people can see.

So have a look at ‘What I do’ section and contact me if you feel like you need any type of help.
